Flake URL

A flake can be referred to using an URL-like syntax.


# A flake on a GitHub repo

# A local flake at current directory

# Another way to refer to local flakes

# Full Git references is also possible:


  • The URL-like syntax is documented here.
Links to this page
  • Use a local directory as flake input

    A Flake URL can not only be Git repositories. They can also refer to local paths. If you have two projects ~/code/foo and ~/code/bar, and bar depends on foo, you can use the following flake.nix in bar to have it refer to the local foo project:

  • Rapid Introduction to Nix
    URL-like syntax used by the url attribute

    The nix build command takes as argument a value of the form <flake-url>#<package-name>. By default, . (which is a flake URL) refers to the current flake. Thus, nix build .#cowsay will build the cowsay package from the current flake under the current system. nix build produces a ./result symlink that points to the Nix store path containing the package:

  • First steps with Nix

    A registry is simply a mapping of flake alias to Flake URL.

    You are not required to use a registry. Without a registry, getting a package off nixpkgs would instead involve its fully qualified URL:

    [!info] nix run nix run command will run the specified package from the flake. Here nixpkgs is the flake, followed by the letter #, which is followed by the package (Derivation) name cowsay that is outputted by that flake. See Flake URL for details on the syntax.

    nixpkgs is not the only way to get software packaged by Nix. As you have seen immediately above, you can install programs from any flake by specifying its flake URL to the nix ? commands. For example, Emanote (which is used to build this very website) can be executed or installed directly off its flake on GitHub: